Corporate Programs and Special Events
Reiki New York offers a variety of corporate programs and special events, including stresss reducing Reiki Sessions, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Gentle Self Defense, and other Wellness offerings. All programs are designed to meet your specific needs and fit your time frame.
It is now common knowledge that stress causes harm, illness, irritability and reduced productivity. The antidote to stress is relaxation. When one relaxes, they go to the place that there is no stress, thus no ill effects from stress. With relaxation, positive effects are increased health and happiness.
All exercise helps reduce stress and its negative effects. Exercise with a "spiritual" component lifts the benefits to a whole new level, giving great results with minimal time and effort.
"Spiritual" in this context does not mean religious or philosophical. Rather it refers to the practice of "present mind consciousness" often called "mindfulness meditation." Negative emotions live outside the present. Guilt, shame and remorse are about the past; fear, anxiety and worry are about the future. The present is simply interesting. Awareness of the present includes awareness of breath, of posture, of feet, of hands, and brings feelings of peace and stability.
When a person feels centered and calm, they focus on what they are doing, and they do it better.
Corporate Executive or Group Class: $350
Single 50-Minute Session in your office or at our Soho Studio.
In this class you will learn basic Tai Chi and Chi Kung movements and stretches that, once learned, can be easily enjoyed in an office setting and in office attire.
One Corporate Tai Chi Class $350
10 Session Corporate Tai Chi Class in Your Office: $2,500
We offer a 10 week Tai Chi class series, to be held at your office.
In this 45 minute, weekly class you will learn a short version of the Tai Chi form that is relaxing, refreshing and fun. This series teaches basic Tai Chi and Chi Kung exercises and stretches easy to do in an office setting and in office attire.
All of our classes are designed to benefit you and your employees throughout the year, for as long as you continue to do the moves. Refresher classes can be added any time and will always include new material to keep your group interested and excited.
Ten Corporate Tai Chi Classes $2,750
Corporate Wellness Immersion: $7,500
A full day corporate immersion in wellness and stress reduction may be broad based, with sequential Tai Chi classes for individuals or small groups at a time. Each individual or group would have a 30-50 minute session and be confident in repeating what they learned for on-going benefit.
Or the day may be structured narrowly, for example, several hours each for 1-3 of the top executives. These sessions focus on gaining skills for daily use, efficient and effective techniques to keep executives from stress burn-out. Each will experience deep relaxation and be able to replicate these results.
Corporate Wellness Immersion $7,500
You may begin today by contacting Master Campora to discuss your goals and start creating your corporate Tai Chi program or session.
Additionally, you may request Carolyn Campora as a speaker or to appear on your panel discussions regarding Corporate Wellness. She welcomes inquiries and will be happy to speak with you about sharing her unique message.